Tuesday, 31 March 2015
DISCUSSION: Progress review, 2015 Q1
Monday, 30 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator (metals)
Moving on from my last post, I've now done the metal work on the main hull of my tank. This is a simple but time-consuming part that involves going around the whole tank and picking out the metal areas. I use three colours (Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil and Runefang Steel, the latter applied sparingly as a highlight).
Friday, 27 March 2015
DISCUSSION: photography
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Horus Heresy: Imperial Fists praetor |
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator (highlights)
Just another short update today. Progress on the predator is slow for various reasons, some of which I'll cover in future posts. That said, however, I have managed to go round and do the highlights for the red on the main hull. After tidying up the initial basecoat, post-shading, I highlighted with Wild Rider Red first with a very light dry-brush technique. I did this to give it a slightly rough look. The tank will be weathered before it's finished, which should blend this in really well. The last highlight was Ungor Flesh, as with the other models in the 'army' so far. This was applied sparingly to the highest edges. Afterwards, I applied a glaze of Bloodletter to the whole tank. I admit I wasn't thrilled with the result of this stage, but that was entirely my fault. The blend worked, but there were a lot of brush marks left on the flat panels. Some of them I was able to buff out with a large, dry brush (not dry-brushing but an actual dry brush). Hopefully they won't be too obvious in the finished piece. More on that soon...
Monday, 23 March 2015
SHOWCASE: Skaven warlord
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Warhammer: Skaven warlord |
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
WIP: Skaven warlord (pre-highlights)
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Getting closer... |
Monday, 16 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator (shading)
Due to a number of non-hobby-related issues, progress is slow, even by my standards. Needless to say when I have had time to look at it, painting has been extremely therapeutic. Anyway, onto the update proper... The bulk of the shading is now done on the Baal predator. This has involved 'black lining' all of the panels. It's a bit of a misnomer in this case as I haven't used black, but the principal is the same: that it entails painting a darker colour (thinned down) directly into the recesses and, for the most part at least, leaving the rest as is. In this case that colour is a shade, specifically Agrax Earthshade, so it didn't need thinning. If anything it needed a couple of coats in some cases. Next up I'll be doing a little tidying with Mepheston Red before I start the highlights... time permitting...
Friday, 13 March 2015
WIP: Skaven warlord (update)
I know it looks rough at the moment, but bear with me, man-thing. This is the skaven warlord I'm working on alongside the grey seer I updated you on the other day. At the moment it's at the stage where I've done a number of basecoats and washes on various areas but haven't completely finished any single part of it. Often when I paint, I'll work on one area to completion before I move onto the next. With a space marine, for example, I'd finish the armour, then get the metals done, then the weapon casings and, finally, any other details. With this model I'm adopting a slightly different technique to bring several stages along together.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator undercoat and basecoat
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Black undercoat |
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
WIP: Skaven grey seer
I haven't mentioned my skaven characters for a few weeks. That's because there hasn't been anything to mention. With so much of my attention being focused on my Blood Angels in the last month or so, anything else has taken a back seat. My skaven characters in particular have watched from the side-lines while other projects come and go. Each time I've spared them a glance, I've felt like I need to stop neglecting them and start paying them some attention. Well, now I can.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator assembly
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Main chasis |
Monday, 9 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator
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Blood Angels Baal predator (still boxed) |
* Because puns based on the name of the Blood Angels' home world are always fun...
Friday, 6 March 2015
SHOWCASE: Blood Angels sanguinary priest
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Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels sanguinary priest |
Thursday, 5 March 2015
WIP: Space Wolves Wolf Guard terminators (a third recruit)
A while ago I posted about the Wolf Guard terminator unit I'm working on. I finished the first two right at the end of last year. I started this guy around about the same time, just as I was finishing the others, but he hasn't seen much movement since. The bulk of the work was completed during the holiday season, but then I got distracted by an Imperial Knight and some Blood Angels. I feel a little bad for the poor guy for being neglected so I should probably finish him. He's been on my desk for a few months now so I picked him up again the other night.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
WIP: Dark Angels (just for fun)
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Warhammer 40,000: Dark Angels librarian |
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels sanguinary priest (head)
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Blood Angels sanguinary priest... his head anyway |
Monday, 2 March 2015
WIP: Blood Angels tacitcal squad (the first half)
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Blood Angels tactical squad... or half of one |
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