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Friday 17 April 2015

WIP: Tau Piranha TX-42 (airbrush test)

My first documented attempt at airbrushing...
I'm pleased to say I had some painting time this weekend. I'm not going to pretend I did a lot because, really, I didn't. I did, however, manage to get the airbrush out and have another look at this Tau skimmer. Since getting the airbrush, I've done a couple of tests with it to get used to how it works, but this will be my first actual project. I picked this particular vehicle for a couple of reasons. The first, I admit, is that I'd had it for a long time. The second is that Tau vehicles really suit smooth paint schemes and I really liked the idea of using an airbrush to achieve that.

I decided to go with a green camo scheme on this model. After undercoating with black spray (from a can) in the usual manner, I applied a dark basecoat of Warboss Green, then applied a highlight of Elysian Green, focusing on the highest surfaces. Both were applied with an airbrush. Being new to this, I wasn't sure what to expect when I applied the colours. I didn't know if I'd need to add extra shading, or pick out the recessed lines on the wings and hull. As it turned out, the colours worked well enough not to require that. The recesses stayed dark and I was able to aim the highlights in such a way that the areas I didn't hit took on a natural shade. The 'camo' pattern was applied by spraying Incubi Darkness in diagonal stripes over the model, keeping the airbrush far enough away for the lines to haze a little at their edges.

I'm not thinking in 'army' terms just yet as far as the colour scheme goes. Right now I just want to paint something that will look good for the fun of painting it. That is, after all, what the hobby is to me. This is the first Tau model I've painted. I don't plan on building a full army though I will add models from time to time just for fun. I have two slightly smaller skimmers that I'll do in the same scheme and I'm considering a squad of fire warriors or pathfinders to accompany them. I'm not worried about anything 'game legal' because it's unlikely they'll ever see a game. Before that though, I need to do more work on this one, rather than leaving it not quite painted...

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