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Thursday 9 April 2015

WIP: Tau Piranha TX-42

Warhammer 40,000: Tau piranha TX-42 (just assembled)
I confess I've been a bit lame on the hobby front of late. I've done bits and pieces here and there but very little worth reporting. Despite the four day weekend just gone, I've had very little time to work on anything. I'm hoping to spend some time in the next few weeks to get a few projects finished and clear the decks for some new ones... Something I have made time to do is assemble this Tau piranha. I've had this kit for several years and (surprise, surprise) done nothing with it. The recent arrival of my airbrush has positioned it within my sights once more.

The keen eyed among you will notice that this isn't a traditional piranha. This is the TX-42 variant from Forge World. The most obvious difference is the canopy over the top (the standard one has an open top, showing the two crew compartments), but it also has a modified wing and weapon array, freeing up the two gun drones (not pictured) to fly alongside. I like both the standard version and this one but, at the time I got this, I was in the process of ordering some other items from Forge World anyway, so thought I'd add this to the list.

A couple of days ago, I put up a post about sculpted bases, my desire to use them and my dilemma over which army they'd suit. The Tau race is one of the candidates for said treatment. At this stage, I have only three Tau models (this one and two pathfinder tetras—the much smaller cousins of the piranha... at least in tank terms). I haven't decided on a colour scheme yet. I'm thinking of some kind of green camo but I haven't decided for sure, and probably won't until I come to load up the brush. Any suggestions...?

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