Further reading

Monday 20 April 2015

WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator (now with sponsons)

It's starting to look more like a tank!
It's been a couple of weeks since I posted an update on my Blood Angels Baal predator. Any normal painter would have finished it, and probably half a dozen other things by then. Alas, not me... but I am close. The picture above shows how this model looked after another brief session on it at the weekend. By the time you read this, there's a slim possibility that I'll have had another evening on it and it'll be a bit closer. I did say slim, didn't I?

When last I posted about it, I was just working on the metals. Since then, I've glued on the tracks and sponsons (heavy bolters) and started on the other details. The gold is mostly there, barring a final highlight. The blood drops (which I paint in pink/purple tones to contrast with the red) are all done. Most of the black is done too, barring any final highlights. I've also started on the lenses and viewing windows, which I'm painting in green to match the eyes of my space marines. Left to do on this main chassis are the scrolls (there's one on the back too), which need highlighting and writing adding (no idea what yet) and a few more highlights.

The main bit that still needs doing is the turret that will sit on top. In my defence most of this is actually finished already but I made a slight faux pas when batch painting all of the components in that I overlooked one of the major ones (the top of the turret!). I somehow missed it among the clutter of my (since tidied) desk. As such I still have some catching up to do on that bit. It's getting there though. The bit I'm really looking forward to, once I've finished painting it so it's looking all nice and neat, is covering it in dirt, chips and scratches so it looks anything but. More updates soon... probably...

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