Further reading

Thursday 12 March 2015

WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator undercoat and basecoat

Black undercoat
My Baal predator has finally seen some paint, but alas has yet to be touched by a brush. Having done the bulk of the assembly work earlier in the week, I've since brought out the spray cans to get it undercoated and basecoated. This is the first model I have used a spray basecoat on, so I'm interested to see how that will work out. I'm hopeful that it will save some time and, if so, I'll use it more often in future where there's an appropriate colour available. Regardless of what colour a model eventually gets painted, however, the most important step remains the undercoat. This helps the other layers of paint stick to the model and provides a solid surface to paint onto.

I usually paint the interiors of my tanks where it is appropriate. A predator has no transport capacity, however, so in this case I've glued it all shut. This has the extra benefit that I have less to paint to get it done. As mentioned in my last update, I still have the turret and sponsons to paint too. They've been undercoated and basecoated at the same time. I'll include pictures of those when they're a little further along. For now though, any blog posts will focus on the main chassis.

Bascoated with Mephiston Red (spray)
I'm really pleased with the coverage of the Mephiston Red spray. It's provided a very quick layer over everything. Careful application has also meant that I have a natural shading in places. This is achieved with some choice spraying angles, making sure that the upwards-facing surfaces got hit a little more than the rest. Everything had one coat, then I gave the top one quick overhead pass too. The next step is to go around the whole thing, painting Agrax Earthshade directly into the recesses.

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