Further reading

Wednesday 11 March 2015

WIP: Skaven grey seer

I haven't mentioned my skaven characters for a few weeks. That's because there hasn't been anything to mention. With so much of my attention being focused on my Blood Angels in the last month or so, anything else has taken a back seat. My skaven characters in particular have watched from the side-lines while other projects come and go. Each time I've spared them a glance, I've felt like I need to stop neglecting them and start paying them some attention. Well, now I can.

The grey seer above saw the first of my attentions on what was otherwise quite a busy weekend. So far I've started work on his robes, along with any leather work. With the tattered trails of the robes, I've tried to add a hint of green to the tips to indicate an ethereal colour shift. I'll likely reflect this elsewhere on the miniature too if I can. The next major area to work on with this model is the flesh. The paints are lined up on my desk ready just as soon as I get a spare evening.

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