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Friday 13 March 2015

WIP: Skaven warlord (update)

I know it looks rough at the moment, but bear with me, man-thing. This is the skaven warlord I'm working on alongside the grey seer I updated you on the other day. At the moment it's at the stage where I've done a number of basecoats and washes on various areas but haven't completely finished any single part of it. Often when I paint, I'll work on one area to completion before I move onto the next. With a space marine, for example, I'd finish the armour, then get the metals done, then the weapon casings and, finally, any other details. With this model I'm adopting a slightly different technique to bring several stages along together.

The reason for this change in technique is that there are several areas that overlap each other or come quite close together. In the early stages, I'm less worried about neatness and more about getting the areas covered well. For areas it's going to be difficult to get the brush to, I'm trying to get the messy stuff out of the way early so any finer details won't be affected later.

The robes of this model are mostly done. I did them at the same time as the ones on my grey seer. The (silver) metals have been basecoated and washed. The red armour has also been basecoated and washed. The flesh was the last thing I was working on prior to this photograph being taken. That's been basecoated and layered with a couple of lighter tones. That will be washed and highlighted to completion during my next session before I finish off the metals and armour. Even if it's not finished, hopefully the next time you see this model, it will look a lot better than it does right now!

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