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Wednesday 11 February 2015

WIP: Skaven Warlord update (plus Grey Seer)

Warhammer: Skaven warlord
I don't have a lot to update you on with this one yet, other than to say this model is now based and undercoated. This is one of those models I'll be working on intermittently between other projects so progress will be slow, but hopefully you'll see some developments on it over the coming weeks. I've started the painting process by dry-brushing the base up to my usual sand colour. There's still a long way to go on it. Next up I plan to work on the robes and the flesh. Most likely I'll finish with the metals and other details.

At the same time as working on this one, I'll also be looking at another model that was released at the same time. The Grey Seer, below, is the Skaven equivalent of a wizard, but somewhat more devious. I'll be applying the same techniques to both models so, as much as possible, I'll attempt to work on them side-by-side in the hope of getting them finished in a reasonable timeframe. As I've said before, I'd love to build up a decent Skaven army (I have a lot of them, after all). The only thing that puts me off is the sheer number of clanrats...

Warhammer: Skaven Grey Seer

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