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Tuesday 10 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels sanguinary priest

I still have a lot of Blood Angels to undercoat, but in the meantime I have this sanguinary priest to make a start on. This will fill one of the HQ slots for the Blood Angels force as it starts to grow. It was another of the new releases that I really liked the look of and will be an interesting project in its own right, not least because there won't be much red on it.

Sanguinary priests are the apothecaries of the Blood Angels space marine chapter. Their armour is usually white to make them stand out. That's my plan for this one, though it will be white with a twist. Normally when I paint white, it's very clean, often built up through shades of grey with just the highlights in white. Pure white can look very flat. It's impossible to highlight for the simple reason that there isn't a lighter colour to highlight it with. As such, it helps if things that are 'white' are actually painted with another bright colour (like grey) and then highlighted up to white instead. Done subtly it's really effective.

The twist with this one is that I'll be using very pale browns instead of greys. It's inspired by Games Workshop's own colour scheme for their display version of the model. My goal is to build it up over several layers and use glazes to shade it and blend the layers together. Given that it is still a Blood Angel, I'll make the robes red to tie them with the rest of the force... albeit a slightly different shade, given that this is cloth rather than armour. That's the plan anyway. We'll see how it works out...

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