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Thursday 12 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels tactical squad (update)

My palette is very red... I had a busy weekend so I didn't get much in the way of hobby time. What time I did get was spent either prepping, undercoating or painting things red. I was hindered by running out of spray undercoat on Saturday before I'd finished spraying the models I had to do, meaning they were still a bit patchy. Luckily my local Games Workshop store is open on a Sunday so I was able to pop in on the way back from where I'd been that day in time to come home and finish the job.

The models above represent part of the squad I've been working on. Since finishing the first member of the squad as a test piece, I've assembled and based the rest. This weekend I (eventually!) undercoated them, and ever since (after dry-brushing the bases) I've been painting them red. The above represents just a selection of the nine models I'm working on. They each have two coats of thinned down Mephiston Red applied over the black undercoat.

Up to this point I've been working on all nine remaining squad members together to save time, though I'll likely be working on batches of two or three at a time on here on in until they're all done, depending on how tedious I find the detail painting. Next up, they need recess shading with Agrax Earthshade. This is a time-consuming process, hence why I'll likely want to just do a couple at a time. Getting this far is a good start though. They're at least looking more like Blood Angels!

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