Further reading

Friday 13 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels sanguinary priest, armour update

Another quick update today (I'm making a habit of these). This time it's on the sanguinary priest for my Blood Angels. In my previous post, I mentioned that I'd be attempting something a little different with the white armour. I've now started work on that. It's a long way from finished yet, but I've made a start on the basecoat layers and the intial shading. I still have more shades to add to the deepest recesses before I can start work on the highlights to bring it up to the level I want it. It's a little messy at the moment, but that won't be an issue long term. The armour is the largest area of the model, hence why I'm starting there. I can tidy up the rest later. You'll also note I've painted the shoulder pad red. This is simply a time-saving move on my part as I'll be using the same shading on that part as I still have to do on the rest. I'm working on this alongside my Blood Angels tactical squad, so hopefully I'll have more updates soon.

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