Further reading

Friday 27 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels tactical squad (milking it now)

Blood Angels: the next three
So, I had another unexpected evening in my study, the results of which are shown above. These three space marines are more or less finished. If there is anything left to do on them, it's just some minor tidying up. For the most part they're done. I have another (with a heavy flamer) that is at the same stage. The only reason he isn't pictured is that he doesn't have a head. Because the face is exposed, I'm painting that separately and it's not finished yet. I haven't had cause to paint flesh on my batch painting sessions yet, but I have a few parts to do for various projects now so I'll do them all together. That should be done before the week is out and then I'll be halfway through my tactical squad.

I'm really enjoying working on this project. I can't wait to have the whole squad finished, but I am going to take a brief break to paint something else. There's always a risk when I'm painting lots of the same kind of thing that I'll get bored and the quality will start to slip. It happened a couple of times on these (perhaps fuelled by tiredness on the evening sessions), but I've been able to salvage them to a reasonable standard. I'll return to the other half of the squad soon.

I'd like it done by April or May at the latest. In the meantime I'll get the guy with the heavy flamer finished and take some better pictures for another update. Have a great weekend!

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