Further reading

Thursday 26 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels tactical squad (yes... again)

Tactical marine with plasma gun (still in progress)
Yes, this is a 'clutching at straws' update, and possibly the last this week, given the amount I (don't) have to report. Nevertheless, I did have an evening to work on the first half of my tactical squad again and the results are demonstrated above. Of the four I'm working on (see my previous post), this one is the best example of my progress. This marine is a stage or two ahead of the others (in that I've highlighted the blacks and the gems on this one) but the other three are close behind. This one is almost finished, actually. I have some tidying to do here and there before I paint the squad marking on the right shoulder pad and finish the base, then he'll be done. I've considered doing some object source lighting from the glow on the plasma gun too, but it was late when I was working on it last night and alas such fineries will have to wait.

Once I've finished the first half of this squad, I plan to treat myself (and any regular readers) with something else for a little variety... I just haven't decided what yet.

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