Further reading

Monday 2 March 2015

WIP: Blood Angels tacitcal squad (the first half)

Blood Angels tactical squad... or half of one
I'm starting the week with a shot of my tactical squad as it currently stands. Apologies for the frequent updates on this one. It's all I've been working on to get it done, but normal erratic service can now resume. With the first five space marines painted, I'm halfway there. In game terms, tactical squads can have five to ten models. This squad isn't technically 'game legal' in that it lacks a sergeant and already has both its heavy weapon (heavy flamer) and special weapon (plasma gun) quotas filled—something I don't belive you're supposed to do until you have a full squad of ten. Nevertheless, I'm proud of the work on it so far and look forward to finishing it.

One of the models I didn't feature in my previous post is the space marine holding the heavy flamer. I'm including an image of him here so you can see him a little better. When I've finished the whole squad I'll post a showcase with each of the models but for now I'd like to work on something else for a while for a change of pace.

Blood Angels tactical marine with heavy flamer
I'll return to this squad in a week or two to start on the next batch. In the meantime, what do you think of the progress so far?

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