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Monday 16 February 2015

WIP: Imperial Knight (more freehand)

Warhammer 40,000: Imperial Knight (right shoulder pad)

And so the more daunting part has begun. My Imperial Knight has been an on-going project since Boxing Day when I first cracked open the box and started clipping the pieces off their sprues (un-Boxing Day?). These huge shoulder pads represent the closing stages of the project that has been both enjoyable and intimidating. Most of the initial work went quite quickly by my standards, but I've been stalling on the freehand work for weeks because of the challenge involved.

Warhammer 40,000: Imperial Knight (left shoulder pad)

I've also started work on the second shoulder pad though, as you can see from the picture, this one still needs a little more tidying up. The general design is there, but I want to clean up the lines in between with the original base colour and make sure everything is smooth and ready. The shoulder pads effectively mirror each other with the colours reversed out. The lighter sides (with the red freehand) will face forwards. The red sides will face the rear. The finished Imperial Knight will show a half-eagle and a cog to both the front and rear: a clear indicator that, while it is primarily Imperial aligned, it owes some allegiance to the Mechanicum too.

Once these are tidied, the next stage is to shade them with multiple progressive glazes before finishing with some glazed highlights. Hopefully that will be done soon. When it is, it means my Imperial Knight will be finished. I can't wait to see it done!

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