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Friday 16 January 2015

SHOWCASE: Dwarf Runelord

A fun one for a Friday. This is a Dwarf Runelord that was released early last year. I briefly had a small dwarf army years ago when a friend and I used to play Warhammer in the mid-nineties. They were all painted dreadfully and I don't think I still have the vast majority of them. I always loved the character of the models and even though I don't collect them anymore, I couldn't resist getting this one and a couple of others to paint up just for the sake of it.

I have no intention of collecting a dwarf army. I love many of the models, but lack the discipline to do anything with them. I particularly like the new hammerers / long beards and would consider getting a unit of those just to paint and stand alongside this guy, but I have enough models for other armies and they'd likely fall by the wayside like my much-neglected elves. I do have a couple of Forge World dwarfs (the only set they've released), two of which are undercoated and ready for painting. These may have to suffice for the time being... as and when the mood strikes.

(Apologies for the poor quality pictures. Again, these are taken on my iPhone and I hadn't realised how blurred the front view was until I came to edit them. I may look at taking another in future if/when I get around to painting any more dwarfs.)

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