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Thursday 15 January 2015

WIP: Space Wolves Wolf Guard terminators

I'm cheating a little with this post because these two models were finished late last year... but still, the squad as a whole remains a work in progress. These two are the first models I've painted for a Wolf Guard terminator squad for one of this year's major projects: a modest Space Wolf force.

The great thing about Wolf Guard squads is that they're 'game legal' at just three models. This is particularly good for me as I have another that is almost finished (just the head and shoulder pads to do). Nevertheless, the goal is to have a squad of five. That will take a little longer.

Wolf Guard terminator with assault cannon

The model with the assault cannon was the first one I finished as a test piece. I actually got these models as part of the Stormclaw boxed set, along with two five-man squads of Grey Hunters and Blood Claws and a special character. I don't know what I'll do with the character yet as I'm painting all of my models as part of Ragnar Blackmane's great company, but I may paint him up all the same.

Wolf Guard terminator leader with thunder hammer
The astute among you may notice that some of these bits are from Forge World's Space Wolf conversion set. I got this a long time ago the last time I considered working on a Space Wolf force, long before Games Workshop released the current Wolf Guard terminator boxed set. I'd actually started those years ago but wasn't thrilled with the results so they languished unfinished. When I started this project, I decided to use the bits I had left.

I'll post more pictures when I get around to working on this unit again. In the meantime, I have an Imperial Knight to finish...

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