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Monday 19 January 2015

SHOWCASE: Death Guard squad

As Mondays can sometimes be a little chaotic, I thought I'd start the week with some chaos space marines. This post should probably be flagged as 'work in progress' because the squad isn't technically finished. Eventually it will be a squad of seven; that being the favoured number for the Death Guard legion to which they belong. But it's 'game legal' at five models, and I don't see me having time to work on those last two marines any time soon, so I'll go with it for now.

I love these models. They're made with the Death Guard conversion set from Forge World. They were released at a time when my interest in the hobby had all but waned and I had no intention of returning to it. Then, by chance, I came across these models and the flame was rekindled. I originally planned to paint them green. Indeed I have a test model in that scheme that I was quite proud of at the time. The techniques I used, however, were quite long-winded and for that reason I delayed painting the rest for some time. When I did go back to them it was because I had another scheme in mind and wanted to paint a test piece.

The test piece became the unit champion. It involved a couple of minor conversions, along with some painted-on battle damage. Apart from a spare set of Death Guard shoulder pads, it didn't use any of the Forge World bits as, at the time, I thought it might just be a one off. I liked the scheme so much I kept it and applied it to the rest. The paint scheme uses several levels of dry-brushing and washes for the armour with details painted on afterwards and it's reasonably quick to do. The squad above is the first of a slightly expanded force. I'll post more pictures of the models I've painted for it another time and will return to it every now and again to add more models to it... if only to clear the space on my desk...

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