Further reading

Monday 25 July 2016

DISCUSSION: Forge World Open Day 2016

Games Workshop's head office in Nottingham. Subtle, guys.
On the 17th of July, I attended the Forge World Open Day 2016. Apparently this is the tenth iteration of this event. It's the first one I've been to, and only the second time I've been to Warhammer World at Games Workshop's headquarters in Nottingham. (The other time, incidentally, was the first ever Black Library Live event way back in 2009.) The Forge World open day is something different to what I'm used to. Having been to several previous Games Workshop events, I had high hopes for this one. It was a good day, but I'm not sure it lived up to them...

Monday 18 July 2016

SHOWCASE: Orruk Ironjawz warchanter

Orruk Ironjawz warchanter
I haven't painted anything that isn't a space marine for a while. My desk is littered with power armour and related paraphernalia. Amongst the debris, however, are several examples of non-space marine items waiting patiently for my attention. Since its release in April, the model above has been one of them. This is the first finished model for my modest orruk collection. He's a test piece to see if I like the colour scheme. I decided against the predominantly yellow or red variants from Games Workshop's studio armies—not least because I have plenty of things painted yellow already. Instead, I've opted for a bone-coloured scheme accented with red. There will be more to come from this range as I work my way through them. First, however, I have rather a lot of power armour to get through...

Monday 11 July 2016

SHOWCASE: Ultramarines legion praetor

Horus Heresy: Ultramarines legion praetor
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, aliens to whom gender definitions are meaningless, and anybody who doesn't fall into any of those categories... allow me to introduce you to my Ultramarines legion praetor. The astute among you may recognise this as the limited edition model available exclusively at Games Workshop events during 2016. I picked this one up at Warhammer Fest in May and have been working on him ever since with a view to entering him into the painting competition at the Forge World open day this coming weekend. I'll let you know how that goes in a future post. In the meantime, let's talk about the model.

Monday 4 July 2016

WIP: Imperial Fists Legion Leviathan #1

My assembled leviathan dreadnought
I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. A combination of real life, weather so hot it made sitting in the study uncomfortable and a worse-than-usual dose of hay fever has contrived to keep my painting to a minimum. My efforts, when I've made them, have been on a competition entry that is taking ages, but that I haven't put on the blog yet (anybody who follows me on Instagram can probably guess what that is—I'm saving it for a showcase post here when it's finally finished). I can, however, give you a sneak peak of (one of) my next project(s) when that is done: a leviathan dreadnought for my Imperial Fists.