Further reading

Monday 18 July 2016

SHOWCASE: Orruk Ironjawz warchanter

Orruk Ironjawz warchanter
I haven't painted anything that isn't a space marine for a while. My desk is littered with power armour and related paraphernalia. Amongst the debris, however, are several examples of non-space marine items waiting patiently for my attention. Since its release in April, the model above has been one of them. This is the first finished model for my modest orruk collection. He's a test piece to see if I like the colour scheme. I decided against the predominantly yellow or red variants from Games Workshop's studio armies—not least because I have plenty of things painted yellow already. Instead, I've opted for a bone-coloured scheme accented with red. There will be more to come from this range as I work my way through them. First, however, I have rather a lot of power armour to get through...

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