Further reading

Monday 4 July 2016

WIP: Imperial Fists Legion Leviathan #1

My assembled leviathan dreadnought
I haven't posted for a couple of weeks. A combination of real life, weather so hot it made sitting in the study uncomfortable and a worse-than-usual dose of hay fever has contrived to keep my painting to a minimum. My efforts, when I've made them, have been on a competition entry that is taking ages, but that I haven't put on the blog yet (anybody who follows me on Instagram can probably guess what that is—I'm saving it for a showcase post here when it's finally finished). I can, however, give you a sneak peak of (one of) my next project(s) when that is done: a leviathan dreadnought for my Imperial Fists.

I posted a tease of the box for this model back in April. I must admit, the size of the box surprised even me when it arrived. It wasn't until I came to assemble the model that I realised why. Dreadnoughts are big. They always have been. They're effectively an armoured sarcophagus for a much lauded, but otherwise mortally wounded space marine, mounted on robotic legs and equipped with all manner of deadly weapons. Standard dreadnoughts are big. Contemptor dreadnoughts are bigger. Leviathan dreadnoughts are massive.

Size comparison with a space marine.
Luckily they're on the same side!
This model stands more than twice the height of a regular space marine. It is taller than a land raider (which is something else I might be able to tease you with soon). It dwarfs the contemptor dreadnoughts I already have. I opted for the weapons I thought looked the coolest, rather than what would be good in game. Most of you will know I'm not a gamer, so whether this loadout is any good is beyond me. I just think the model looks awesome.

The pictures you see in this post are where I'm at with it so far. I've assembled it in between sessions on the aforementioned competition entry. I'll undercoat it, and possibly start some of the base coats, in the next few days. It won't get started in earnest for a couple of weeks—the competition is part of the Forge World open day on the 17th—but it'll at least have it started by then. The size doesn't intimidate me in terms of painting. It'll largely be yellow, metal and black, so it's just an upscaled version of everything else in the army. I look forward to getting on with it. Look out for more updates soon.

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