Further reading

Friday 23 January 2015

WIP: Plaguebearers of Nurgle

Warhammer 40,000: Plaguebearer of Nurgle
I love Nurgle, but I've always hated plaguebearers. For those unfamiliar with the Warhammer / Warhammer 40,000 background, Nurgle is one of the four major gods of Chaos. He's the grandfather of corruption and decay, of diseases and deformity. It sounds revolting, and in fairness it is, but some of it is done so well in both the background narratives and in the miniatures that somehow I've been convinced to like it. Plaguebearers, however, have always been utterly terrible. They were the miniature equivalent of a badly drawn cartoon... until a couple of years ago.

Okay, so they're still a little bit cartoony, but in 2013, Games Workshop finally released new versions of the models that I could actually get on board with. It's actually a great kit and one I'd recommend to anybody considering them for either Warhammer or Warhammer 40,000. I got them for the latter (hence the round bases instead of Warhammer's traditional square ones). The idea is that they would accompany my Death Guard space marines (themselves corrupted by Nurgle). There was no gaming logic to this. I just liked the theme of it. It also gave me an excuse to use some of the spare daemon parts (especially the nurglings, which are just awesome) among my space marines.

Warhammer 40,000: Plaguebearers of Nurgle... in progress
To be fair, calling this a 'work in progress' thread is a bit misleading. They're not really in progress. I've fully assembled a unit of ten. I've based five of them, ready for undercoating. One of those five (featured at the top of the article) has been fully painted as a test piece. The rest will be an as-and-when development that will very much take a back seat to all of the other things I'm working on. But they're fun and it's Friday. And maybe posting about them will encourage me to do something with them. What do you think?

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