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Monday 26 January 2015

SHOWCASE: More Space Wolves

Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Runepriest
Today I'm showing off a couple of my Space Wolves. The first, a Runepriest (above) was actually the first model I painted in my current study when I moved into my house in 2012. I bought it some time ago, before Games Workshop made the switch to [the somewhat disappointing] Finecast. This is the old 'white metal' version. In the absence of an actual army commander, this model will serve as a stand in leader for the Space Wolves I intend to paint this year.

While there are things I think could have been done better, I'm quite happy with the paint job on this model as it stands. I really like how the armour came out, even if it did take a long time to do. This was before I started using the current Citadel paint range, so  it involved a lot more mixing and blending. I'm also quite happy with the axe; an early foray into non-metallic effects made by mixing turquoise (Hawk Turquoise, now replaced with the similar Sotek Green) with black, for shading, and white for highlighting. I'm not one for going back to old models and redoing parts, but if I do, I may rework the gold a little. For a table top standard, however, I think it does quite well.

Warhammer 40,000: Fenrisian wolf
I've also painted a Fenrisian wolf very recently. As I've said before, I love themed armies. Spaces Wolves have a very rich background in the stories and rulebooks. I think their use of wolves is very evocative and I was keen to include some to run alongside the foot troops and make their enemies nervous. This model is a test piece for a pack of five. It's another fast paint job, completed with three or four dry-brushed colours, followed by a couple of washes to tie them all together. The details of the face and claws were then picked out to finish. All being well, there's more to come...

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