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Wednesday 4 January 2017

DISCUSSION: 2016 in review

Horus Heresy: Imperial Fists Phalanx Warder marine Horus Heresy: Alpha Legion contemptor dreadnought Age of Sigmar: Orruk Warchanter

2016 was an interesting year for me as a painter. It's safe to say it wasn't the most productive in terms of output, but what I lacked in quantity, I was pleased to make up for in quality. This was the year that saw me finally take a step up in terms of both ability and purpose. Having painted purely for pleasure in the past, 2016 saw me enter my first competition. I was more than happy to come away with a finalist pin for my efforts, and look forward to more opportunities like that in future.

Horus Heresy: Imperial Fists tactical squad (Mk.VI)

During the course of the year, I finished thirty models. This isn't a high tally by any measure. The work-in-progress pile on my painting desk is testament to the fact that I worked on a lot more. I was pleased, however, with what I produced. I entered two painting competitions. Golden Demon Classic (May 2016) was by far the highlight for me. Entering the Warhammer 40,000 single miniature category, I knew going in that I was unlikely to get very far, so was surprised that I even made the first cut. The standard of the other entries was incredible. A couple of months later, I visited Warhammer World to enter the Forge World Open Day painting competition. With just one prize up for grabs, I definitely didn't stand a chance, but it was nice to have one of my models in a display case at Games Workshop HQ, even just for a few hours.

Horus Heresy: Nârik Dreygur Horus Heresy: Ultramarines praetor

An insanely busy few months towards the end of the year meant I achieved very little after the summer. August was my most productive month in terms of finished models, but I finished nothing at all in September, October or November. December, at least, saw some progress, including the development of a new space marine chapter.

Warhammer 40,000: Talon's reach tactical squad marine Horus Heresy: Imperial Fists leviathan dreadnought

What's next?

I'm loath to make any firm commitment on what I'll be able to produce in 2017. As the end of 2016 demonstrated, one never knows what is likely to come up to scupper any plans. I would, however, like to expand both my Imperial Fists army for the Horus Heresy range, as well as do more with my new space marine chapter for Warhammer 40,000 (especially with rumours of a new edition looming). I'd also like to do a little more for the Age of Sigmar range. I have several models for it already, and already have another project on the brink of completion. Hopefully I can share that with you soon.

One thing I don't want to do too much of this year is buying new models. I've bought a lot in recent years and would like to get more of those painted before I add to them. I probably won't be able to resist some new releases as the year goes on, but I'm determined to make a dent on my unpainted pile this year. Whether I make as much progress as I'd like is yet to be seen. As always I'll set last year's tally as my target and see how I do.

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