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Monday 15 August 2016

SHOWCASE: Alpha Legion veteran tactical squad

Horus Heresy: Alpha Legion veteran tactical squad
The first models I painted this year were five veteran tactical marines for my Alpha Legion. I should probably be a bit embarrassed, therefore, that I've only just finished the squad! I tend to have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them—hence the name of this blog. There's always something that will distract me and, before you know it, my desk is full. Well, I'm determined to make August a month for finishing things.

Half the squad, including the sergeant (centre),
missile launcher and plasma gun
First up is this squad. After finishing the first half, the rest went untouched for quite a while. I managed to pick out another two a couple of months apart along the way, but the remainder stood watching while other projects came and went for far too long. No more!

The other half of the squad, including the legion vexilla
I originally assembled all of the squad together so that I could airbrush the main colours on in one hit and get them all looking more or less the same. All that's been outstanding for the last few was to highlight the armour and pick out the details. It's not a big job for each model, but the highlighting can get a little tedious when you've got several to do. With a little willpower, however, I managed to get the job done.

Together at last and ready for battle
Despite how long they took, I'm pleased with the squad overall. They're actually the first finished squad I've painted in a very long time. My Imperial Fists, against whom they're facing off on the same shelf, might be jealous for a while, but it is my intention that they'll be in a similar position soon. In the meantime, however, I have a few more projects to get finished to clear some space on my desk. Wish me luck...

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