Further reading

Monday 6 June 2016

WIP: Orruk megaboss on maw-krusha #1

The 'maw-krusha' so far
Something different. For the first time since Warhammer: Age of Sigmar came out, I'm utterly smitten with an entire new range. Having looked forward to the new dwarf line so much in advance, I was bitterly disappointed by the 'fyreslayers' range when it came out. But with the new 'orruks' (orcs to the rest of us), Games Workshop have finally hit home. I like the Khorne range (ridiculous names aside). I even like the Stormcast range (but hate their lore). I'm at the stage, however, where I roll my eyes and curse "more?!" every time they release yet another kit for either. But with the new 'Ironjawz' orruks, I'm genuinely pleased.

This model is the first of three kits in the range I've snapped up, ready to paint. It will have a 'megaboss' (a great big orruk with lots of pointy weapons) on its back at some point, but for now I'm focusing on the maw-krusha (a very brutish-looking dragon that only something as insane as an orruk would even consider as a mount). So far, after airbrushing on the base colours, it's mostly just had dry-brushing and washes. I still need to pick out the details and sort out its base. After that, I'll get the rider done. There's a lot more to do, but already I look forward to doing more from this range. I like them so much, I might even consider painting a whole army: my first for the new system!

Oh, one early tip for anyone looking to get one of these: it's a fantastic kit, but don't glue the wings on before you paint it. I have and now it's a real pain trying to get in to paint some of the detail. It's the same reason I haven't glued it to a base yet either.

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