Further reading

Monday 4 April 2016

SHOWCASE: Alpha Legion contemptor dreadnought

Horus Heresy: Alpha Legion contemptor dreadnought
Today we have a new addition to my (very slowly) growning Alpha Legion collection: a contemptor dreadnought. This is the Forge World model, complete with sculpted Alpha Legion details. I've armed it with a power fist and a volkite culverin. I have no idea if these are any good in game, but they look cool and that's all that matters to me as a painter. This model features lots of airbrush work, mainly on the blue armour, but also on some source lighting on the main weapon.

Side views
The dreadnought is the biggest model in the army so far (for now!). I imagine him providing some heavy support for the troops advancing ahead of him, picking out threats with his weapons and neutralising them before they can do any damage. I've made extensive use of weathering powders, especially around his legs and feet, to show that he's been in the heat of battle.

Rear view

Next up for this army, I have a veteran tactical squad to finish before I start looking at some other additions. At this stage I'm not too worried about having a 'game-legal' force. I'll probably never game with it. I'm just looking to amass a decent collection that could provide a foundation, should I wish it in future.

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