Further reading

Monday 5 October 2015

SHOWCASE: Exalted Deathbringer of Khorne

Warhammer: Exalted Deathbringer of Khorne
I finished one! Regular readers (if there are any) will know that finishing a model is a rare treat for me. We're into October and I'm still some way off finishing even twenty models so far this year. With this one, however, I can at least increase the tally by one. It also represents my first finished miniature for the Age of Sigmar range. I'm pleased to introduce you, then, to the Exalted Deathbringer of Khorne.

For this model I used a variety of techniques. The skin, for example, was mostly painted with an airbrush (spraying darker colours from below, then lighter colours from above) followed by a series of washes. I took the same approach I used on my bloodthirster (which I still need to finish), albeit on a much smaller scale. For most of the other areas I used a more traditional basecoat > shade > layered highlights method. On a few, like the axe blade and horns, I used some glazing to add the reflective shadows to the metal. Despite my experiments recently with non-metallic metals, I decided to stick with true metallic paint on this model.

Rear view
I'm quite pleased with how this model turned out. It's not competition-standard, but he's good enough to sit on the shelf alongside some of my other Chaos miniatures. It gave me a chance to experiment with some new approaches and come up with a simple scheme that I could replicate across more models should I ever wish to add more to this cuddly character's group of friends. I don't have any immediate plans to do that, but I am watching to see how the Age of Sigmar package unfolds and keeping an eye out for any models, like this one, that take my fancy. In particular, I'm keen to see what they'll do with the elves and dwarfs.


  1. I'm very intrigued by this model... I hardly play any games at all, but I really like the collecting and painting part of the hobby. I was looking online at different colour schemes for this guy and yours is exactly what I want. Good work. I especilly like how the skin and the reds are complementary to each other.

    1. Thank you for the comment, and sorry for the delayed reply. I'm not a gamer either, but I really liked the look of this model and wanted to paint it. In case you're interested, the skin theme is based on this tutorial video from Awaken Realms: https://youtu.be/Fjhl3R1hq-Q (for the bloodthirster model). The use of red and purple among the four washes really helps tie it in to the other reds on the armour. The other colours are muted and neutral to help it stand out.
