Further reading

Monday 7 September 2015

SHOWCASE: Armillus Dynat, Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion

Horus Heresy: Armillus Dynat, Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion

Today I present the finished Armillus Dynat model. After taking a break to work on a variety of other projects, not to mention a variety of non-painting-related distractions, I've finally made time to get this model done. The main things I had outstanding were the head, white details on his armour and his base. I've actually had him finished for about a month now, but I wasn't happy with the photographs I took at the time. Now, at last, I can say that's he done.

This model represents my first finished model from the Forge World's Horus Heresy Character Series. What's more, it's for an army I don't collect. (I collect Imperial Fists, rather than Alpha Legion.) Having painted this model, I would be tempted to paint a few more Alpha Legion models to stand alongside him. He's my first real experiment with painting space marines with an airbrush, and using 'clear' paints from Tamiya to do so, and it was... interesting (if something of a learning curve). Now I have a little more experience, it might be fun to try and paint a few more.

Left side, showing the divide where the display base comes apart

Learning curve aside, I quite enjoyed painting this model. The airbrush stages are very quick to do once you have the hang of them and really speed up the process. Airbrushing can also be a lot neater than brush work as the blends appear more natural with less effort. My brush blending still needs some work but I have other projects to practice that. When I finally knuckled down and did the standard brush work, I really enjoyed it. Perhaps it helped that I'd just picked up a new brush (the Windsor and Newton Series 7, size 1), which really is every bit as good as the hype.

Rear view

I'm pleased with how this model turned out on the whole. I don't know that he represents my best work, but I wouldn't expect him to as the first attempt at a very radically different technique. I am, however, rather pleased with how he looks.
Right side

One thing I didn't do is paint the hydra facial tattoo seen on Forge World's own painted version. I'm not that confident with my very fine freehand work yet and I like how the face turned out without it (and didn't want to risk ruining that!).

A close-up of the head... because he has one now
As far as I'm concerned, he's finished and ready for the display shelf. Since he doesn't have an army, I'll have him hiding behind my Imperial Fists... probably spying on them from the rubble as the Alpha Legion are wont to do.

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