Further reading

Friday 19 June 2015

WIP: Ragnar Blackmane (conversion) #2

Making progress
Work on my Ragnar Blackmane conversion is coming along. I've begun the slow and steady process of adding paint to the model. After undercoating, I painted the base to get the messy dry-brushing out of the way. Some of this will have static grass on it, so it doesn't need to be too neat, but it's important that it's presentable. A few shades applied the rocks, including some green to represent moss growth, should be enough for that. Next I painted the cloak. That and the armour are the two biggest areas of the model, but the cloak would require lots of thin layers and included some areas that would be difficult to reach with the brush I would be using. As the armour is more intricate, I could afford to do that afterwards with a smaller brush.

Most of the armour is done now, but for some touching up. I focused on the legs initially, including the gold trim to see how it would look. The armour on the upper body is done too now, though doesn't look as bright in the photograph without the other details painted in. That's my next job: all of the gold and other metals. I'm painting the backpack separately, hence why it's not in the image.

My paint scheme is intended to emulate Games Workshop's Eavy Metal team's rendition of the model, or some approximation of it. The key difference is that I'm using a blue-grey tone of armour to match the rest of my army. Most of the previous Eavy Metal versions have seen Ragnar's armour painted in a paler tone. While I don't dislike that, I want my model to fit in with my existing collection. Hopefully when he's finished he'll do just that while still looking enough like Ragnar to be passable. Fingers crossed...

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