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Friday 26 June 2015

SHOWCASE: Ragnar Blackmane (conversion)

Warhammer 40,000: Wolf Lord 'Ragnar Blackmane' (conversion)
So I managed to get this piece finished at last. I can't say it's the best paint job I've ever done, but it's passable. The pictures haven't come out very well, unfortunately. My smart phone and my photography 'skills' are showing their limitations. I think I need to study Garfy's guide on Tale of Painters again. The model does look a little better in the flesh.

Overall, I think the conversion worked. It's not completely faithful to the original Ragnar Blackmane model, but It was never going to be exact. Ragnar is a classic model. There aren't many like him that are still on sale almost twenty-five years after they were originally released. The whole purpose of this conversion was to bring him up to date with the more recent Space Wolf releases—based on a brand new model, complete with the details twenty-plus years of advances in sculpting technology can afford. My version has most of the details you'd expect Ragnar Blackmane to have with a colour scheme that is reasonably faithful to the original, give or take a few parts the new sculpt didn't allow for.

Rear view
He's not going to win me any awards. I've painted better. But he's good enough to sit alongside the models he's supposed to lead into battle. My Space Wolves now have a leader. Now he just needs something to lead...

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