Further reading

Wednesday 25 March 2015

WIP: Blood Angels Baal predator (highlights)

Just another short update today. Progress on the predator is slow for various reasons, some of which I'll cover in future posts. That said, however, I have managed to go round and do the highlights for the red on the main hull. After tidying up the initial basecoat, post-shading, I highlighted with Wild Rider Red first with a very light dry-brush technique. I did this to give it a slightly rough look. The tank will be weathered before it's finished, which should blend this in really well. The last highlight was Ungor Flesh, as with the other models in the 'army' so far. This was applied sparingly to the highest edges. Afterwards, I applied a glaze of Bloodletter to the whole tank. I admit I wasn't thrilled with the result of this stage, but that was entirely my fault. The blend worked, but there were a lot of brush marks left on the flat panels. Some of them I was able to buff out with a large, dry brush (not dry-brushing but an actual dry brush). Hopefully they won't be too obvious in the finished piece. More on that soon...

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