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Friday 6 March 2015

SHOWCASE: Blood Angels sanguinary priest

Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angels sanguinary priest
Today my fledgling Blood Angels force gains another recruit in the form of this sanguinary priest. After several updates in the last few weeks, he's finally done! I know it's not perfect, but I'm quite pleased with how this model has turned out. I spent a little longer on it than I did on the regular rank and file space marines in the tactical squad I'm working on, and hopefully that shows in the finished piece.

I like the off-white tone of the armour. The only white I used was a very tiny amount mixed into the previous colour on the final highlight. The rest is painted with several off-white or bone colours and shaded with rich brown washes like Reikland Fleshshade and Agrax Earthshade, all mixed with Lahmian Medium to thin them right down and applied over multiple layers.

Rear view
I'm also quite pleased with the robes. They look a little glossy in the pictures. In the flesh, they don't have that sheen, but I'll give the model a shot of matt varnish to sort them out and fix the paint anyway. (The only trouble with thin layering is that handling the model can rub off all your hard work!) I deliberately went for a different tone of red than the armour I've used on my tactical squad because I wanted it to be very clear that they were fabric and not armour. I think it contrasts really nicely with the other red and especially with the off-white armour. I'm also particularly proud of the face on this model, which I think is one of the best I've painted on any miniature—something I hope to improve on in future too.

It's great to have it done and add another model to the tally for the year. Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments!

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