Further reading

Friday 20 February 2015

WIP: Necromancer

As a writer, I am, as is necessary, also an avid reader. Among the many others I read, books from the Black Library are a common sight on my reading pile. In the wake of the End Times, I'm currently reading The Rise of Nagash, the story of the alliance of the various undead factions aimed at raising the ancient and powerful necromancer from the dead to wreak havoc on (or, somehow, save?) the Warhammer world. As is often the case, reading about a specific faction has inspired me to revisit the models for it, in this case the undead, and specifically a necromancer (not, admittedly, Nagash himself)...

This model is still a work in progress. What you see in the image above is the result of an evening's work (about three hours, give or take). I'd estimate he still has another hour or so until he's finished. I still need to highlight his staff, paint the leather and add the 'blue glowy effect' to the rest of the skulls (you can see an example of that on the one he's holding).

I've liked this model since it was released but despite buying it at the time, I'm only just getting around to painting him. I'm quite pleased with how it's going so far. It has reminded me that, of the few undead models in my collection, less than half of them are finished (featured here). I don't have many—twenty-eight in total—but seventeen of those (including the necromancer above) are unfinished. Given how fast most of them are to paint, I would like to address that. First I need to finish this guy, but after that... hmm... I need more time...

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