Further reading

Tuesday 24 February 2015

WIP: Imperial Fists command (standard bearer)

Standard bearer (early stages)
Right, back on to the main projects... This is likely to be a slow week. I had a busy weekend and didn't get a lot done on the hobby side, so there's a good chance I'll run out of updates before the week is out. We'll see what time, if any, I get during the evenings. The standard bearer above represents one of the projects I'm working on piecemeal around my Blood Angels. I don't have many of my Imperial Fists prepped and ready to paint at the moment. That'll need some more work. Among the few models I do, however, is this one.

Annoyingly, just when I started work on this model, Forge World released a specific command set especially for the Imperial Fists. This is the generic MkIII armoured one. Had I known the special one was in the pipeline, I'd have waited. Alas, it's too late now. I'm not too worried, as I still think the basic command set is really good and I've been looking forward to working on it for a while.

On this one, I've done the bulk of the yellow armour work, short of some tidying up. I've also basecoated the black areas. Next up, I have the metal work to do before I crack on with the details. The thing that makes the models for this force quite quick is that they don't have a lot of detail on them. Being part of a command group, there are a few exceptions here. The main one is the banner. I plan to use a transfer for the Imperial Fists emblem, then paint a design around it using freehand. There won't be a lot to it: I don't want anything too intricate. Hopefully it will be enough to make this model stand out though, as any good standard bearer should.

More updates as and when I can...

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