Further reading

Wednesday 18 February 2015

WIP: Blood Angels sanguinary priest update

Back to the sanguinary priest and progress is continuing. The armour needs some tidying up to make the blend between highlights and shading a little more subtle, but it's getting there. (This photograph isn't great.) The robes are mostly done too now. These are a different shade of red to the armour (visible on the shoulder pad) to make a clear distinction between armour and fabric. I'm pleased with the effect. That leaves me free to work on the rest of the model.

I've done the metal work ('silver' and gold). The next 'big' area for me to work on is the black. All of my Blood Angels icons will be black with purple drops. This guy will be no exception. Once the black is done, that's the bulk of this model finished. The rest is just detail, some of which (like the green vials at his waist) I've already started.

Obviously he's missing a head at the moment and there's a backpack to consider too, but I'll get to those in good time. Hopefully in the next update, you'll get to see more of those.

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