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Friday 9 January 2015

WIP: Imperial Knight

Warhammer 40,000: Imperial Knight
As I mentioned in my first post, the first model I'm working on this year is an Imperial Knight from Warhammer 40,000 that I received as a Christmas present. I started it on Boxing Day and have been working on it intermittently ever since. The holiday season gave me a few days I wouldn't normally have to dedicate to painting it, hence the reasonably rapid progress by my standards.

So far I've done the main body, head and armour plates. I still have the banner that hangs between its legs and the weapon arms and shoulder pads to do. I'm hoping that I can get those done in the next week or so. The banner is halfway there. The shoulder pads are undercoated and I'm in the process of cleaning up and assembling the weapons ready for undercoating and painting.

I'll post more pictures when it's finished. I hope you like it so far.

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