Further reading

Tuesday 13 January 2015


Warhammer: Undead wight king
Like many others, I got caught up in the excitement of the End Times series for Warhammer when it launched with the Nagash book last year. Undead were one of my first Warhammer armies, almost twenty years ago, and while I haven't had any of the models for many years, I've always maintained a modest affection for them. With the launch of the End Times, I could resist no longer.

The wight king pictured above is a model I bought when it originally came out but it had languished in a cupboard like so many others until now. I decided to use it as a test piece for a colour scheme I'd seen used by the manager of my local Games Workshop store in Coventry. I'd seen similar schemes before, of course, but I liked the technique Dave had used. It required minimal effort but produced quick, effective results.

Warhammer: undead skeletons
Having completed the test piece, I took it a step further and painted a whole unit in the same scheme. These ten models took about an afternoon. The bases took the longest, simply because I had to mask them off after they'd been sprayed black so I could spray the rest of each model white from above. I always apply sand to the bases before undercoating and wanted to keep a consistent basing scheme with my other armies. I have two more units (grave guard and black knights) that I'll paint in the same scheme when I have more time. These may be the distractions I look for when not working on my main projects. Watch this space!

(Incidentally, if you're in the area, I would highly advise a visit to Games Workshop Coventry to see Dave's army while it's still on display. It's an impressive sight.)

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