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Wednesday 28 January 2015

SHOWCASE: Death Guard helbrute

This is actually the Nurgle dreadnought from the Forge World range, but I'm using it for my Death Guard army, so I'm using that as the title. A couple of years ago, Games Workshop decided that the Chaos equivalent of a space marine dreadnought should be called a 'helbrute'. It's an incredibly silly name, but then they've taken that direction more than once in the last few years, so it's not unexpected. Naming mistakes aside though, I really like this model.

Left side: detail of the power fist

Buying dreadnoughts from Forge World isn't cheap. That alone adds motivation to do a decent paint job. There's nothing worse than spending a lot on a model, only for it to turn out badly. I think I did okay with this one. It wasn't ever intended to be a masterclass piece. Few of my models are. But it's of a slightly higher standard than most of the rank and file.

Rear view

The model uses my standard Death Guard scheme, which is achieved largely through dry-brushing the armour in multiple colour layers with a thinned sepia wash just prior to highlighting. This model also has some mutations and sores, which are picked out with purple washes and white or yellow glazes as required. I'm particularly fond of the two nurglings I added to the base. It's another effort at tying them in with some of the daemons range into the army, but I thought they looked great running playfully ahead of the hulking behemoth behind them.

Right side: twin-linked heavy bolters

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