Further reading

Saturday 9 June 2018

WIP: Space Wolves intercessors

The first two
I've achieved more than I expected so far this year. Despite some initial setbacks, I've managed to be reasonably productive. These models are, in a sense, illustrative of that, being one of several projects I've made satisfactory progress on to date. In my last blog, a few months ago, I mentioned that I had several targets in mind for the coming year. One of them was to start putting together a very small force of Space Wolves, using the new 'primaris' space marine range. In this blog post, I'll introduce you to the first two models I've finished.

Thursday 15 March 2018

DISCUSSION: Making plans for 2018

Wathammer: Age of Sigmar
Daughters of Khaine: Witch Aelf

It's been a while since I've updated this, and for lots of reasons: some interesting, most not, but none relevant to the subject. Suffice to say, the last year has been somewhat hectic in non-hobby-related areas and my output suffered. In 2017, I finished a grand total of two painted miniatures: one in January, and one in April. So far in 2018, I'm setting no records, but I've matched that total in February alone and look set to add more in March. (Let's not mention January, eh?) I've also regained some enthusiasm for the hobby, and at last have the free time to make use of it. But how?